Friday, May 31, 2024

Gift of I AM (Matthew) 1

 1 The book of the generation of Yahweh is Our Salvation (Yeshua) Anointed (Messiah, Christ), the son of Beloved (David), the son of Father of a Multitude (Abraham).

2 Father of a Multitude (Abraham) begat Laughter (Isaac); and Laughter (Isaac) begat Heel-Grabber (Jacob); and Heel-Grabber (Jacob) begat Praised (Judah) and his brethren;

3 And Praised (Judah) begat Breach (Perez) and Rising (Zerah) of Date Palm (Tamar); and Breach (Perez) begat Surrounded By a Wall (Hezron); and Surrounded By a Wall (Hezron) begat Exalted (Aram);

4 And Exalted (Aram) begat Kindred of the Prince (Amminadab); and Kindred of the Prince (Amminadab) begat Oracle (Nahshon); and Oracle (Nahshon) begat Garment (Salmon);

5 And Garment (Salmon) begat Fleetness (Boaz) of Wide (Rahab); and Fleetness (Boaz) begat Serving (Obed) of Friendship (Ruth); and Serving (Obed) begat I Possess (Jesse);

6 And I Possess (Jesse) begat Beloved (David) the king, and Beloved (David) the king begat Peace (Solomon) of her that had been the wife of Yahweh is My Flame (Uriah);

7 And Peace (Solomon) begat The People Have Enlarged (Rehoboam); and The People Have Enlarged (Rehoboam) begat Yahweh Is My Father (Abijah); and Yahweh Is My Father (Abijah) begat Man of Sorrows, Healer (Asa);

8 And Man of Sorrows, Healer (Asa) begat Yahweh Has Judged (Jehoshaphat); and Yahweh Has Judged (Jehoshaphat) begat Yahweh Is Exalted (Joram); and Yahweh Is Exalted (Joram) begat My Strength is Yahweh (Uzziah);

9 And My Strength is Yahweh (Uzziah) begat Yahweh Is Perfect (Jotham); and Yahweh Is Perfect (Jotham) begat He Has Grasped (Ahaz); and He Has Grasped (Ahaz) begat Yahweh Is My Strength (Hezekiah);

10 And Yahweh Is My Strength (Hezekiah) begat Causing to Forget (Manasseh); and Causing to Forget (Manasseh) begat Builder (Amon); and Builder (Amon) begat Whom Yahweh Heals (Josiah);

11 And Whom Yahweh Heals (Josiah) begat Yahweh Will Establish (Jeconiah)and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Mixed-Up Confusion (Babylon):

12 After they were brought to Mixed-Up Confusion (Babylon), Yahweh Will Establish (Jeconiah) begat I Have Asked of God (Salathiel); and I Have Asked of God (Salathiel) begat Sown in Babylon (Zerubbabel);

13 And Sown in Babylon (Zerubbabel) begat My Father is Majesty (Ahihud); and My Father is Majesty (Ahihud) begat God Raises And Sets Up (Eliakim); and God Raises And Sets Up (Eliakim) begat He That Assists (Azzur);

14 And He That Assists (Azzur) begat Righteous (Zadok); and Righteous (Zadok) begat Yahweh Raises Up (Jokim); and Yahweh Raises Up (Jokim) begat God His Praise (Eliud);

15 And God His Praise (Eliud) begat God Has Helped (Eleazar); and God Has Helped (Eleazar) begat A Gift (Mattan); and A Gift (Mattan) begat Heel-Grabber (Jacob);

16 And Heel-Grabber (Jacob) begat I AM Will Add (Joseph) the husband of Rebellion (Mary), of whom was born Yahweh is Our Salvation (Yeshua), who is called Anointed (Messiah, Christ).

17 So all the generations from Father of a Multitude (Abraham) to Beloved (David) are fourteen generations; and from Beloved (David) until the carrying away into Mixed-Up Confusion (Babylon) are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Mixed-Up Confusion (Babylon) to Anointed (Messiah, Christ) are fourteen generations.

18 Now the birth of Yahweh is Our Salvation (Yeshua) Anointed (Messiah, Christ) was as follows: When His mother, Rebellion (Mary), was espoused to I AM Will Add (Joseph), before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

19 Then I AM Will Add (Joseph) her husband, being a just man and unwilling to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.

20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, I AM Will Add (Joseph), son of Beloved (David), fear not to take Rebellion (Mary) as your wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

21 She shall bring forth a son, and you shall call His name Yahweh is Our Salvation (Yeshua): for He shall save His people from their sins.

22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,

23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

24 Then I AM Will Add (Joseph) being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took his wife home:

25 But knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called His name Yahweh is Our Salvation (Yeshua).

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful work, Sue! Thank you for sharing ❤️
